Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Anne Elizabeth Bergstrom

Hey! My name is Anne Bergstrom. I am a sophomore at the University of Minnesota Morris, and this going to be my first summer as a counselor at Pathways. I am super excited and have been dreaming about this since my first year as a camper at Minne-Wa-Kan! I'm originally from Twin Valley, Minnesota, and I have one brother and one sister. I love being outdoors and being active; I play varsity softball at Morris, and am involved in many intramurals. I love reading and am the new book reviewer for our on-campus paper! I have been active in the choir program here on campus and give prospective students tours when they come to visit UMM. I just changed my major to English and Art History with a Biology minor, so I have been pretty busy with my classes! I can be pretty random sometimes, and I'm always ready for a laugh. I'm definitely not an early bird, but have had so many early classes that I can't even think about waking up past 7:30, which is very sad! I'm extremely excited to meet everyone, and hope you all have a great end of spring, and good luck on any finals!!!

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