Sunday, April 15, 2007

Nancy Smebak

Hi, all! I’m Nancy Smebak, a freshman studying architecture at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. This summer, I’ll be counseling at Emmaus and cooking fabulous cuisine at LOWBC (and by fabulous I mean I hope it isn’t burnt).

I’m originally from Roseau, MN where I live on a farm with three younger sisters (Sarah is one; you’ll be “meeting” her soon, I think), my mother and step-father, 3 dogs, 1 cat, 2 horses, and an assortment of cows and occasional livestock.

At school, I’m involved in flute choir, Campus Crusade for Christ, a student-run orchestra group, and a middle-school tutoring program. I like reading when I have the time (and looking at the pictures when I don’t), making really big messes, and a lot of other fun things I can’t think of at the moment.

I’m looking forward to a summer filled with fun and SPF 45 and some time away from academics. If you want to know more (and see some cool pictures of my architecture projects), check out my blog at (I make no promises.)

Talk to you later!

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