Saturday, May 12, 2007

Lindsay Morlock

Hey everyone! This is so crazy--I have never ever posted a blog on the internet before, so this is my first attempt at it. My only hope then is that people don't get bored with me too quickly and stop reading right now.

Interested yet? Cool! Well, I'm Lindsay...also known as Linzo to many people around camp. This will be my 4th summer on staff, and I'll be running the circus up at LOWBC (Lake of the Woods Bible Camp) for the five weeks we have campers! That means each and every one of you will get to spend one GLORIOUS week with me up there! I'm totally down with Harry Potter July, Derek.

I just graduated from Concordia College with a degree in Chemistry Education. I like chemistry and I like teaching so I thought that was the perfect major for me! I'm currently looking for jobs in the St. Paul area, since that's where I'll be living after August 17th. That's the day I'm getting married. Yes, married. I'm super excited, and it'll definitely be a busy summer getting ready for that.

Some of my interests: mornings, playing cards, coffee, giving blood, desserts, star gazing, camp outs, conquering the challenge course, which I hope to do more of this summer, loving LOWBC, getting to know all of you this summer, going to baseball games, traveling, and reading.

It's going to be a great summer! Get pumped! And don't swim with the alligators in Lake Morgan.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Nels Hunstad...

So I'm having a hard time starting this thing out.. I mean. do I write like "Hey all" or do I give a big howdy? Like.. I could possibly start off with something like "Greetings Earthlings". or even one very loud and long HEYYYYYYY. Of course, I could always just start talking about myself and see if that works. But. An introduction of sorts is sort of necessary at this juncture. I mean, chances are we haven't met. In fact I don't know 10 out of the 26 people posted on the pictures page, and I know they don't know me.. or I hope. Cuz that's weird.

anyway.. I digress...

So. I'm Nels Hunstad, as a spoonerism, that's Hels Nunstad. Which, oddly, is also my name on facebook. So look me up. When I write on blogs like this I tend to use periods A LOT. period. but generally I consider myself a good writer, and that's mostly just because I love it. I'm decent at math, but I'm no Tom.. and I really like films. Which is why I'll be the Technology Director this summer.

Sure, I could have taken the summer off to actually create some of the projects I've been working on.. But let's be real. Camp is the place to be in the summer and I couldn't be happier with my decision.

I really like being active and playing sports whenever I get the chance. I love, love, love the outdoors (yes, 3 times). But at the same time, I'm a total computer and videogame nerd. On the computer I'm into design, writing, and looking at pointless websites. Video games feed my "super-competitive" spirit.

Speaking of competition. I come from MOORHEAD. the Hometown of 7 staffers. and part time residence of at least 13. So what? I'm not that unique, but at least I can admit it... Anyway. Moorhead is a lovely town. But one fun fact about me is that I spent the first 2 years of my life living at camp. No really. My dad was the director back in the late 80's and yes, he did have a huge huge mullet. So I lived in cabin Grace, for the summers and in Menagha during the winter. For this reason, I am able to literally call Camp Emmaus home, and hopefully after the summer all you newbs will be able to too. For the past two years I attended Augsburg College in Moneyapolis, but at this juncture in my life it seems that I will not be returning in the fall. My hope is to take the year off, live in Moorhead, make some money, and then ship out for film school in Vancouver. That's in Canada eh. In other news..

Some people call me a space cowboy.

but that's another story for another time.

My family and friends are a huge part of my life. Instead of explaning my family to you. I'll just let you take a look at the picture and you'll get the idea. Need me to spell it out? They're C-R-A-Z-Y. Which for some reason reminds of Britney Spears, and that brings me to my next point..

One huge thing about me is MUSIC. I love music. The words, rhythyms, melodies, whatever. Chances are if some sort of song is on I will be singing along. If it bugs you, just let me know, and I'll be sure to sing louder. No really, I'll stop if you ask. In reality. I don't like Britney Spears, or her music, but I do know all the words. Also, I'm not funny, sad, or mad. Again, refer to the picture of my family and you'll see that I have no emotion, so be prepared to deal with that.

So.. blogs are fun. Right? No matter what you write. People read it.

like that.

Anyway, I'm excited for the summer of love. err. Camp. to begin. and I'm hoping you are too.

Much love,


(oh and for those random ladies who just happen to come along. I'm single, so let's mingle.)

Edit: I take back the math thing.. if you know why. well sweet.. Cookie? Parade? whatever.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Rachel Brawner

hey there! so....I saw that a lot of people had done this already and thought I would join the crowd! I am a junior at Wartburg College in this really small town in.......Iowa, and am majoring in History. This is going to be my second year working as a counselor, but i went to camp for three years too. When I am not doing loads of homework I really like hanging out with friends, watching sports, or playing golf! I am super excited for the summer not only because of all the fun it is going to be, but also because i get to work with my cousin and brother! Sadly though, I am going to be late for training because my brother is graduating...but I will be looking forward to meeting everyone(again)!

God Bless!


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Anne Elizabeth Bergstrom

Hey! My name is Anne Bergstrom. I am a sophomore at the University of Minnesota Morris, and this going to be my first summer as a counselor at Pathways. I am super excited and have been dreaming about this since my first year as a camper at Minne-Wa-Kan! I'm originally from Twin Valley, Minnesota, and I have one brother and one sister. I love being outdoors and being active; I play varsity softball at Morris, and am involved in many intramurals. I love reading and am the new book reviewer for our on-campus paper! I have been active in the choir program here on campus and give prospective students tours when they come to visit UMM. I just changed my major to English and Art History with a Biology minor, so I have been pretty busy with my classes! I can be pretty random sometimes, and I'm always ready for a laugh. I'm definitely not an early bird, but have had so many early classes that I can't even think about waking up past 7:30, which is very sad! I'm extremely excited to meet everyone, and hope you all have a great end of spring, and good luck on any finals!!!

Monday, April 23, 2007

Bonnie E. Moeller

Above you will find a lovely picture of myself, and yes I did get my sunglasses stuck in my hair. Not to mention the lovely Camp Emmaus paint job i have on my face;). I will be a first time counselor this summer, and I'm lovin' it already! I graduate from Lake Park/ Audubon HS very soon....(may) and next year I'm going to South Dakota State.
About Me: I'm a little nerdy, I like math, and I really like to sing songs that i make up about whatever is happening at the moment. This morning, i had captain crunch for breakfast. I was voted class-clown in my graduating class, but i thought i should've gotten "most likely to succeed" or something to that extent. I really like people in general, especially my grandma! and I cant wait to meet you all at staff training!!!!!!
P.S. I love Will Ferrell!


Derek J. Tronsgard

Hello. My name is Derek Tronsgard. I was born to Paul and Amy Tronsgard on April 20, 1985. I share my birthday Steven Colbert, Carmen Electra, Joey Lawrence, Adolf Hitler, Mambo music great Tito Puente, Robert L. Hansen, and the guy who played Gollum from Lord of the Rings.

This summer I will be working as the Emmaus Summer Program Director. Get ready for Emo Themed Thursdays and Harry Potter July!

I decided to make lists that will tell you about me.

Favorite bands:
1. The Beatles
2. Damien Rice
3. Dave Matthews Band
4. Guster
5. Coldplay
6. Ray LaMontagne
7. The Spice Girls

Favorite Pastimes:
1. Being nice to people.
2. Being awesome
2.5 Chillin with my homies
3. Wasting time on YouTube
4. Playing with my Nintendo Wii
5. Cheering against Clapp and his New York Yankees
6. Playing video games like Warcraft and getting made fun of by Clapp and Bobbie Jo
7. Not delivering Newspapers

Favorite TV Shows:
1. Lost
2. The Office
3. The Sopranos
4. South Park
5. Heroes

Least Favorite TV Shows:
1. Grey's Anatomy

Favorite Movies:
1. Forrest Gump
2. Raiders of the Lost Ark
3. Back to the Future Part II
4. The Godfather part I
5. Field of Dreams
6. The Empire Strikes Back
7. Happy Gilmore

Plans for now:
1. Graduate from Concordia College in Moorhead, MN with a major in History and a minor in Spanish

Plans for Summer:
1. Work at camp

Plans for after Summer:
1. Go to Luther Seminary
2. Pass all of my classes there
3. Become a pastor who still watches South Park and plays with his Wii

I am very excited to work with everyone this summer. It's gonna be great.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Cathryn Nelson

Hello friends! Here I am, a freshman sitting in my dorm room at Gustavus Adolphus College, catching up on the Grey's Anatomy from last week; the busiest academic week of my life! Here at Gustavus I am in Choir and intramural softball. I work for the Office of Church Relations where I help coordinate confirmation visits, and then through GYO(Gustavus Youth Outreach) I put on retreat activities and worship for the same groups! I am still an undeclared major, but currently thinking about pre-occupational therapy and a possible psych major?... I guess I wait for God to let me know on this one.

I am from Moorhead, MN, where my parents, younger sister, and yellow lab(Josie) live. I enjoy being outdoors and playing tennis, softball, soccer, etc. I like pea pods raw or cooked, asparagus and broccoli(along with a lot of other foods). I have a thing for the moon, and am not super fond of spiders.
I have never worked at Pathways before, though I was a camper for multiple years

Cathryn ann

~If one syncronized swimmer drowns, do they all have to?~

ps. be amazing and stuff!

Bobbie Jo Gulsig

I'm Bobbie Jo and I am an APD this summer! I am going on my 4th summer at Pathways and my second summer as APD! I have been around camp since I graduated high school in '04 and it has by far been my greatest joy in life!
I currently attend MSUM and I am working towards a degree in education. I work as a Youth Coordinator at Trinity in Moorhead as well as an 9th grade Basketball Coach at Moorhead High and a Jr. High Softball coach!

The top 5 things I am looking forward to at camp this summer...
1. 1,00o's of smiling kids and families excited about God's love and Camp!
2. Challenging kids on the challenege course!
3. The Dishroom!
4. Campouts and cooking over the fire.
5. Donna's cooking :)

I am so excited to see you all and meet you soon! Have a wonderful rest of the year and get ready for an amazing summer experience!!

Special Note: Eric Clapp don't even think about editing my post!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dan Cahoon

Hallo! I'm Dan Cahoon, this is my third and probably final year at Pathways, and unfortunately, like last year I will not be there for the start of staff training, this year becasue my family is taking a vacation to California during that week. So the information you would have heard would I be present there is that I'm a junior at Concordia Moorhead. I'm majoring in Religion and Classics (which means lots of Latin and Greek studies) with a minor in Philosophy. Originally from Bismarck, ND, I drum (poorly), and play violin (more poorly). I spend the vast majority of my time either sleeping, reading, writing, playing video games, or talking with friends, and I enjoy all of them immensly. Post-graduation I'm hoping to go to Israel for a month, then Peace Core until youth ministry and then possibly cumulating in a teaching career.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Nancy Smebak

Hi, all! I’m Nancy Smebak, a freshman studying architecture at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. This summer, I’ll be counseling at Emmaus and cooking fabulous cuisine at LOWBC (and by fabulous I mean I hope it isn’t burnt).

I’m originally from Roseau, MN where I live on a farm with three younger sisters (Sarah is one; you’ll be “meeting” her soon, I think), my mother and step-father, 3 dogs, 1 cat, 2 horses, and an assortment of cows and occasional livestock.

At school, I’m involved in flute choir, Campus Crusade for Christ, a student-run orchestra group, and a middle-school tutoring program. I like reading when I have the time (and looking at the pictures when I don’t), making really big messes, and a lot of other fun things I can’t think of at the moment.

I’m looking forward to a summer filled with fun and SPF 45 and some time away from academics. If you want to know more (and see some cool pictures of my architecture projects), check out my blog at (I make no promises.)

Talk to you later!

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Carson T. Walker

Aloha! So I am sitting here thinking of another way to start this blog out, something different than the others, but no such luck...

My name is Carson Thomas Walker, I am 19 years young, I have been living in Moorhead, MN my entire life, even in the same house. Seems rare these days. I am attending Minnesota State University - Moorhead. Majoring in either Business Finance or Elementary Ed. I am counting on my experiences this summer to impact that decision. I do not have a favorite season, I love the snow and I love the summer, each have their pros and cons. I enjoy snowmobiling, downhill skiing, being on the water, hanging out with my Junior High kids at Trinity in Moorhead.
I love everything there is to love about being a mentor/counselor based on my experiences at Trinity as a small group leader in high school and this year being a junior high mentor. I love music, simple as that, whether it be singing, playing the piano, or trying harder and harder at becoming a decent guitarist! I really enjoy trying to break kids out of their "comfort-zones" and get in the game and not worry about what the next person thinks. Well that is myself in a nutshell!!!!!

I am totally pumped to meet each and every one of you this summer!!!! Enjoy the last month (give or take) of school!

P.S. I am the one on the right. Looking like the guy from Not Another Teen Movie...haha

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thomas R. F. Swenson

Hi, my name is Tom. It like tomato with out the omato... and with om like in tom... yeah... So this is my second year working at camp Emmaus. It's bringing me back again. So about me... I'm a not a sarcastic person at all. (sarcasm about sarcasm?) I am currently a sophomore at PLU. I just talked to my acedemic advisor today, and I'm a math major with minors in actuarial science, economics, and religion. Lot's of work I guess. I grew up in Moorhead, MN. I play hockey, and pretty much any other sport that calls itself a sport. I'm currently enrolled in badminton at PLU... kinda cool. I love long walks around the lake, star-gazing on the dock... and cuddling in close with my dear, water baby...

Amanda Meyer

Hello all!
As already stated above my name is Amanda (not to be confused with the OTHER Amanda), and I'll be washing your dishes this summer!! Yeah! OK so now that you are all jealous, I'll go on talking about myself. This will be my second official summer as camp assistant, though I've been a camper in the past. I am currently attending Sebeka High but will be moving to the wonderful land of Moorhead, MN and be attending Oak Grove Lutheran next year. I love to run, drink coffee, sing songs to myself while driving, organized chaos, campfires, and having a round about good time! I am super excited to be coming to camp this summer and can't wait to see everybody!
During the winter months while not studying I participate in volleyball and run track. I also love watching Wild hockey games and attending dance classes...
So I guess that's about it for now. I hope everybody has a great last few months of school and I will either meet/see you soon!

Korey Breutzmann

That's me! I'm Korey and I'm from Germantown, WI. I'm currently a super senior that attends class at Madison Tech but am earning duel credits from the University of Wisconsin. I'm majoring in recreation management and will hopefully be graduating soon. Then who knows where I'll be. My family moved here from Germany in the 60's so I'm bilingual as well, although I can understand german much better than I can speak it. The last 4 summers I worked at a camp in Wisconsin called Pine Lake, which was a part of Crossways Camping Ministries. I spent 2 years being a counselor and 2 years acting as the waterfront coordinator.
In summer, my biggest passion is the Milwaukee Brewers. My family has had season tickets for a long time and I've been a fan forever......even in the rough years. I got to go to the 2002 MLB All-Star game at Miller Park and for those of you baseball fans out there, its the only All-Star game to end in a tie. In winter, I like to spend my time skiing on the slopes. At one time in my life, I raced competatively, but had to give it up due to an injury. I also spend time with my roomates raising the lemur that lives in our basement, swinging on vines through the city making monkey noises, and playing great symphonys on empty bottles.

Maren Rachelle Jystad

Hey kids....
My name is Maren (pronounced like Mars minus the S plus in but with an "e" "end") :)--occasionally at camp I have been known as "MJ" which I will answer to as well.
I am from Jamestown, ND- the oldest of 4 girls. Craziness is in my house right now with myself 20, and sisters ages 17, 14, they are getting old. We're all quite close and I miss them terribly when at school, Concordia College. I am a sophmore majoring in Theatre and minoring in Women Studies..and a major or minor in Communications (depending on time.) You may wonder what I plan on doing with a theatre major...that's a good question...but eventually I would like to be a motivational speaker, youth ministry leader, and an event planner for youth events. Fun eh? I cannot wait. I love cats (animals in general), food (anything...really), and campouts. I've been coming to Emmaus for a long time. My parents met as counselors way back when while working at Emmaus so it's kinda a second home for me. I was a SIT a few years back and this past summer a counselor. I look forward to chaos, campfires, sitting on the dock, and many other things.
Have a wonderful rest of the's almost over! Don't give up!!!!! You can do it!
PS...I'm the one standing in the back--that's my "don't come near me or you'll end up with water in your face" face.... hehehe

Adam Morlock

Yo, my name is Adam, the one on the left. I go to NDSU in Fargo, ND and have basically no clue what my major is but am leaning towards something in education. I grew up in Moorhead, MN. This is my first summer at Camp Emmaus, and didn't attend it as a kid. I love soccer, esp. Manchester United, and like basketball, pool, fishing, hunting, kids and a whole ton of other stuff. I love being a mentor for Jr. High kids at Trinity in Moorhead, the best times in my year. I am an amatuer at the guitar, but getting there. I love music and movies, pretty much all types and sadly have probably seen more chick flicks than most girls thanks to the older sister. I am a horrible singer but am the best when by myself in my car, I swear I'm good there, very clumsy and am going to jump on the bandwagon and say that I am also very excited for this summer. But I am jacked and can't wait to meet everyone.

Elizabeth Omans

Hey everyone, my name is Elizabeth, or Liz, as I am known by most of my friends. I am a freshman at UMD, and my major is International Studies. I've been going to pathways since I was in 6th grade, and I was a SIT for one year. I love being around kids, and am extremely excited to be part of the team this year, as a counselor. That's about it...see you all this summer!!

Amanda Ross

Hello Everyone,
As you can see my name is Amanda, and I've been going to Pathways since I was entering fourth grade. I attended as a camper for many years, an SIT one summer, and a residential counselor this past and now this coming summer. I grew up in Crookston, Minnesota.
I am currently attending the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis/St. Paul, and am double majoring in Microbiology, and Physiology. I am a Health Advocate in my residence hall, and a mentee in the GLBTA mentor/mentee program.
Some of my favorite things are squirrels, pigeons (especially when they puff up in the winer), turtles, thunderstorms, bodies of water, and summer. I enjoy reading, photography, painting, gymnastics, and pretty much anything medically related. I am extremely excited to switch gears from academia this summer by coming to camp, and can't wait to arrive for staff training.

Benjamin Spar

Hey all~ The name's Ben. I'm currently attending Concordia College in Moorhead. I am majoring in Elementary Education, emphasis in Communication Arts and Literature, with a minor in coaching. I currently sing in the choir, am on ResLife staff, and have an a cappella group named VIBE. I enjoy reading and hanging out with friends in my spare time. I also love the outdoors. I am an avid hunter and fisherman. I like to run, hike, and bike...all that jazz. I am currently seeing someone, and will be celebrating six happy months together with her this upcoming sat. (4/14) This is my first year at camp emmaus. I never attended camp as a kid, so my first experience will be as a counselor. I'm very excited for the summer to start and cannot wait to meet everyone.

Laura Morlock

Hey guys! So, I guess since I told you about the post I should probably do it! So here it goes...a little bit about me is I am from Moorhead, MN and went to Concordia College and graduated with a religion/church professions major last spring. I started full time at Pathways this past September as the program director but have worked for Pathways for the past four summers and have loved it! I am so excited to get all of you together and get the summer started! Lets see...other random facts...I love carwashes, pickles, green olives, jamming out in the car and singing at the top of my lungs/car dancing, working in the dish room at camp, and I have many other quirks that I'm sure you will find out about! (just you wait!) Again, if you ever need anything just let me know!

Eric A. Clapp

Oh hi guys. As you can see by the title my name is Eric. I currently should be in my Health class but instead I'm in the library doing this! I am getting really excited for camp this summer. It'll be my third summer at Pathways and my first as an Assistant Program Director. I'm currently a junior at Concordia. I'm double majoring in Religion and English Lit with minors in Psychology.
Little history about me: I grew up in Fargo. I love baseball, the Dave Matthews Band, and coffee ice cream. My heroes in life are Marie Kirschstein and Kirby Puckett. I am not training for a mini-triathlon this summer. I am addicted to fantasy baseball, The Office (the tv show), and doing the sudoku puzzles in the newspaper during class. In closing, I don't take a lot of stuff too seriously so I'm looking forward to a really fun summer. Have a good day, guys (and gals).


p.s. I know Laura said not to, but I may edit Derek Tronsgard's entry once it's on here. Just a warning.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Marie Kirschstein

Hi guys! I am the Adventure Program Director at Pathways. I started April 1, 2006 and am loving this job! The full time staff is getting excited to greet the summer staff in May. It will be here before we know it! Please don't hesitate to contact Laura or I if you have any questions about this summer.
For a little history on me, I worked at Pathways as a high adventure counselor in 2003. Then I finished college at Winona State University in 2004 with a degree in recreation and tourism. I've worked at two other camps and have been a guide for Noah's Ark and Pacific Challenge. I currently live at Camp Minne-Wa-Kan with Laura and am training for a mini-triathlon this summer. Want to join me?? Let me know!
See you soon!